Today Stay Sweet is out on general release, exciting ay?
I think this means you can buy it from Itunes and other digital retailers; it comes with b-sides and all sorts!If you haven't yet seen the vid please check it out
Anyhoo... I was asked to do this high-school year book feature thing for an American webzine. It's not been posted yet, but I thought given the subject matter of Stay Sweet, it was a suitable thing to blog about on this fine day of release.
Here's a little snapshot from my high school year book and a blurb about what it was like to be in high school.
Hello readers,
I'm Piney Gir and high school was funny for me because I didn't really fit in to any clique as such... I wasn't shunned or anything too bad - I certainly witnessed football players bullying drama students and stuff like that, but I was kind of a loaner, a drifter.
I'd flit from debate team table to band geek table in the lunch room. I joined student council but was the low-profile treasurer, not president or anything in the lime-light. I was in all the school musicals usually cast as a cute kid or a crazy old lady; I wasn't the romantic lead or glorified heroine. I was never nominated for homecoming queen or any of that nonsense, I think I was too weird to be truly 'popular'... in the Breakfast Club I would have been Ally Sheedy not Molly Ringwald.
I was the girl that would date the tuba player in the marching band, not because he was hot but because he was nice to me. I was the girl in the back of the class that would do a drawing depicting a scene from Wuthering Heights and turn it in for extra credit in my English Lit class. I was the girl that excelled at creative writing, got bad grades in math, skipped out of gym class and chose tennis over cheerleading.
I lost my class ring, I think it's around here somewhere...