So, Zanzibar is a nice place to play, the promoter from Peter And The Wolf (a band, not the Prokofiev) is a lovely bloke and we really enjoyed playing his night. Friendly crowd (quite stylish in a sort of "Where is Professor Flostre; is he giving a lecture at the cafe?" kind of way).
It's crazy how much effort a band will put in to play 45 minutes on a stage though, in fact... if I think too hard about it I might never do it! But it was fun and worth it and all that jazz.
Here I am sitting on stage while the line check commences (after happy hour at the Jacaranda where an entire round costs £8!! Us London folk were shocked and amazed by this fact).
The Jacaranda features a Stuart Sutcliffe mural and loads of Beatles paraphernalia. I just finished watching The Beatles Anthology over the past few weeks with the Sleep Thief so it was nice to be somewhere that has a little bit of Beatles history (I guess most of Liverpool does have some connection with The Fab Four, I wonder if Liverpudlians get sick of that?) Anyway, Emily Reasonette and myself agree that Stuart is the prettiest Beatle now that we've seen so many pictures of him. But all the Beatles have their charms of course.
When I meet someone who says they don't like The Beatles I just wonder, "How can that be?"