So by a cruel twist of fate the only van we could find to hire to drive us to Liverpool was in fact a mini bus designed for German tourists and it had a 'speed limiter' on it so we could not exceed 60 miles per hour. The silver lining of this fact is that when there is severe rain and wind, one might not want to exceed 60 mph on the motor-way anyway; luckily we were confronted with some pretty bad weather.
The cruel twist of fate was compounded by the fact that because of some football match there was not 1 hotel we could stay at, in all of Liverpool... meaning that by hook or by crook we had to drive straight back to London after the gig.
The Age Of Reasoners are all good friends & usually pretty good conversationalists too... so we were able to while the hours away in the van talking and listening to bad 1990's compilations bought from local charity shops sparking a game of name that tune.
I think Barny lost the plot in Toddington services when he climbed into the wrong van though.
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